Back to school...........
Let me begin with before break. Finals week was crazy and intense, but I got through it and actually raised my GPA with my term 1 grades (to my surprise). Getting home on the other hand was deffinitly the worst way to start my actual Winter break. So here it goes:
Friday, December 18th - Slept through 5 alarms and 20+ phone calls to miss my 6AM flight out of Elmira.
- Departed from Elmira at 3:30 to only land in Philadelphia to find out my flight to Richmon had been cancelled.
- Learned that the Richmond airport had been shut down due to snow. (yes, I said snow.)
- Booked a flight into Newport News, VA to not get stuck in Philadelphia for 3 days.
- Parents drove 1.5 hours to pick me up.
- Luggage didn't arrive.
- Drove 4 hours through blizzard snow to get home.
- Woke up to 14 inches of snow on the ground and no luggage.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday - Snowed in...... NO LUGGAGE
Tuesday - Drove to airport to get luggage.... FINALLY!!!!!
After the ordeal of getting home I had a fantastic break, but there was a chance of snow on the day I was supposed to return. I chose to fly back to Elmira early inorder to miss any possibility of being delayed or canceled again. I had RA winter training the Saturday before classes began, which was fun...... however I could really move my head too well due to a stiff neck. I didn't think much of it until I woke up Sunday and couldn't move my head. I went to the Emergency Room and come to find out I had sprained my neck. So with a neck brace on and pain killers and a muscle relaxer in hand I returned to my dorm room and entered a comatose state until classes the next day.
This term I am taking my first Nursing Practicum course and I am extremly excited to be wearing scrubs and doing something other than book work. Of course I am excited about my pink stethoscope and my pink bedazzeled I.D. holder. It is a very very very busy term, and as I told my residents I am sorry if I am not available as often as I should be. The first week felt like a month and I can only hope that the rest of the term doesn't follow in that trend.
The RA selection process has begun and today I spent my time evaluating candidates in the small group process. It felt like yesterday I was in their shoes, nervous and hoping I would get the position. It was a relief to be on the other side of the process, and I have a whole new appreciation and understand of what it takes to hire a staff. A lot of the current RA's are graduating so it will be a fresh staff next year and a brand new building, which will hopefully provide a breath of fresh air to Resident Life next year.
Friday night S.A.B. brought Mike DuBois and his act "Adult circus" on campus. It was a great time!!!! Here is a link to his website. last little tid-bit for today's blog...... I highly recommend going to see the movie Extrodinary Measures.
Thanks for reading