Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Convocation and Mountain Day Singing


Sitting here on an overcast, chilly day ready to take a nap, a favorite past-time of mine. Figured I'd talk about a few things that happened last week and what's going on this week here on campus.

Last Thursday was Convocation for the Freshman Scholars. The Class of 2013 proved to show a lot of potential after hearing all of their accomplishments from high school. I played flute with the Concert Ensemble, which was frustrating on my end. I had a significant amount of homework due on Friday, so sitting on stage for 2.5 hours listening to names being called was the opposite of productive. I applaud the freshman scholars, however at the same time I needed to get work done. However, Convocation gave me the opportunity to wear my purple and gold heels!!!!

Saturday was open house, which was also my first time co-leading a gold key tour. It was a lot of fun and I was surprised at my comfort level in front of a group of perspective students and parents.

This week is Mountain Day Singing! I wish it would have been last week, because the weather this week is not what I want to participate in. I am working on getting rid of a 2.5 week old sinus infection, so standing outside in the rain and cold is not what a doctor would order. I'm hoping for a mountain day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Couple Weeks of School


Life here on campus has been crazy busy, but it's been good for me! Move in day feels like months ago, when in reality it hasn't been that long ago. I'm getting to know my residents more each passing day, which is very nice. Just as recently as yesterday I had two new additions to Columbia 3rd South which gives me almost a full floor. I have one empty room which is a bunk double....... and we all know that no one wants to move into a bunk double.

I never thought I would say that I am thankful for the freshman writing program, but I am SUPER thankful for the freshman writing program. Compared to last year I feel like I barely have homework, and the homework I do have I am getting it done EARLY. I am not the type of student to do things early, but I guess things have changed a little. My parents are so proud. :-)

A few exciting things! Horseback riding has officially started, which is a huge stress relief for me! On a sad note we had to get rid of my horse back home in Virginia, but it's a very good situation that will allow me to continue riding Bravo Charlie. My classes are going very well. It's nice to be in a Nursing course and to start talking about things that I'm going to use everyday in the work place. I can't wait to put my scrubs on and go to clinical!!!!!

Time to get back to homework!
