Friday, August 28, 2009

First RA training week!

Training is over, which means I get to sleep!!!! However OL training is right around the corner which means a few more days of sleep deprivation. On a wonderful note Resident Assistant training has been a blast. I arrived here in Elmira last Friday after a wonderful 9.5 hour drive and by Saturday at 2 I was moved into my cozy single on Columbia 3rd. All week we have been learning about the procedures and policies of the college along with many social issues that we will come across. These issues included 2 meetings with RCST (Rape Crisis of the Southern Tier), suicide awareness, and info meetings with resources around campus.

The only thing that made me nervous about training was the Behind Closed Doors program. This program is in 2 parts and it is when the RLC's and other faculty members have a scenario and act it out (to the EXTREME). The RAs in training then go around in small groups and at each scenario one RA is in charge of handling the situation. It was an amazing experience that I know helped me feel more comfortable as a first year RA.

Last night we had a great dinner with faculty members and all of the RAs. We got to dress up and I got to wear my purple and gold heels, which seem to be a favorite here on campus. hmmmm I wonder why???? Here is a picture of the entire staff (RAs, RLCs and RA alternates).
This was a great experience and I can't wait to have my 2013's in my building with me! Not to mention I had a blast making my door tags and bulletin board!!!!

Ashley Hemphill '12