Thursday, February 19, 2009

Seven Weeks into Term II

Hi! I'm Ashley Hemphill, a member of the Astonishing class of 2012. I grew up in Richmond, VA, which is where my family lives now. I am a nursing student here at Elmira College, and I can't wait to start clinical work in my second year here at EC. I am a member of Christian Fellowship, the non-denominational christian club here on campus. At the beginning of the academic year I was a member of the Equestrian Club, however since being at Elmira I have had knee problems that has permitted me from riding.

At the moment I am home for Winter break, and I can't believe that I have made it to this point of my freshman year of college. Just a couple months ago I was nervously packing my car and my parents' car with everything that I was planning on having in my dorm room. Here I am 6 months later worrying about the 2009-2010 academic year. For the past 3 weeks I have been spending my nights in the library until closing (1 AM) studying for mid-terms, or working on one of the infamous Freshman Writing papers, and completing the application process for the job position of Resident Assistant. This process has been quite nerve racking, because it's something I really want. I had to put together my first resume, a cover letter, go through an interview, and a "small group session." After all of this, a first cut was made where the 100+ applicants were narrowed down to 37. When I received the e-mail saying I made the first cut I was more than excited, however the 37 applicants were split into 2 large groups. This large group session would be the final determining factor, and after the RLC's (Resident Life Coordinators) spent Friday the 13th in a day long meeting letters were sent out to all the applicants. These letters would either say "you have been chosen to be an RA," "you have been chosen as an alternate RA," or "thank you for your application, however we do not have a position for you." Sadly for me, I left campus to come home for a week on Friday, therefore my letter is sitting in my mailbox waiting for me. :( On top of this application process, I have put in a resume for the Gold Key Society, which is the group of students that gives the tours of campus for admissions.

This break has been good for me, because the week before I came home my sister, Taylor a freshman in high school, broke her C7 vertebrae in a horseback riding accident. She is doing well, and will have a full recovery. This break came at a perfect time because it has allowed for me to be here with my sister, and spend quality time with my entire family. Even though I have to finish my 10 page paper for writing, a microbiology project, a microbiology paper and reading for my sociology paper, I have still been able to go out with friends and shopping for clothes for my Australia term 3 trip with my mom. Yes!!!! I did say Australia!!!! I'm very excited and if you continue reading my blog you will hear plenty about this trip.

I will keep you posted on my sister, my RA and Gold Key status.
